2024年3月11日 — For MP3, this is 320 kbps. You could choose a lower bit rate, but the sound quality degradation will become very noticeable around 128 kbps. If ...
2018年7月18日 — 320 kbps (kilobits per second) is one of the highest quality rates in standard lossy audio formats, such as MP3 and AAC. For many listeners and ...
Bitrate has a direct impact on sound quality. When an original recording is compressed into an MP3 file, a lot of information is lost. A lower bitrate could ...
2023年7月23日 — The highest quality MP3 bitrate is 320 kbps at 16 bit. You can encode MP3s as low as 96 kbps. MP3s use a compression codec that removes ...
2021年10月10日 — For the MP3 format, you can choose the bit rate from options of 128/192/256/320 kbps. The higher the bitrate, the higher the audio quality, and ...
2007年6月13日 — The absolute lowest MP3 bit rate you should consider is 128kbps. This was often referred to as being CD quality, but it's far from being so.